Do you happen to see 11’s 111’s 1111’s everywhere?


I had never noticed the numbers 11, 111, 1111.  Now I see them everywhere!

2 1/2 years ago an ICU nurse mentioned to me that this little girl will be special.  She was born on a date that holds special significance.  She will be watched over by angels. 

 It was already an emotionally charged day.  I  thanked this nurse for her kind sentiments and her care.  Over the next few busy weeks, I almost forgot about our conversation. 

Then, I slowly began to notice 11’s, 111’s, 1111’s.  I would see them on the stove and microwave clocks.  They would often appear on the car dashboard and on my cell phone.  Even the motel room we were given had the number 111 on it, the last room at the Inn. 

I mentioned this to friends and family and I now receive texts with screen captures and photos of the numbers 11, 111 and 1111.

There is a lot of information online describing the possible significance of these numbers. A number of sources cite that events linked to 11:11 appear more often than can be explained by chance.  Folklore? Synchronicity? Coincidence?

I actually have no idea whether these numbers randomly occur or whether they are a form of divine intervention.  Although, now when I see 11’s, 111’s and 1111’s, I  stop for a brief second, take a breath, and pay attention. 

 I do think all children are special.  I do think all children are watched over by angels.  Of course, this little girl is extra special to us, and she just happens to be born on January 11.


20 thoughts on “Do you happen to see 11’s 111’s 1111’s everywhere?

  1. Hi Erica – just popped back to say Hi and to remind you to look for 4:11 as well as your other 11’s – and think of me 🙂 Cheers to the Dental Hygenists of the world – and our lucky escape into other ventures!
    Thanks for linking up with us at MLSTL and I’ve shared on my SM 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Leanne, Thank you again for your email. I will watch out for 4:11. I loved being a Dental Hygienist, yet, time for other ventures. Goosebumps on our similarities. xx 🙂


  2. That’s amazing that you see all those 1’s since your daughter was born on 01/01! I wonder what it means? I will probably be looking out for 1s, 11s, & 111’s etc now! lol 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Min, Abby, now 3 1/2 is our granddaughter. I had never thought about 11’s 111’s until the ICU nurse mentioned it to me. I was surprised to find a lot of information online and calling it Angel numbers. Thank you for your thoughts:)


  3. Very interesting Erica! I love the way these numbers show up randomly. My thing is 12 12 as I was born on 12/12 and I often see these numbers everywhere. In 2012 I deliberately timed it so that I took a photo of me at 12.12 on 12/12/12 – love it!!! Visiting from #mlstl

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Deb, Amazing on the 12 12 and your birthday. I am hearing a lot more stories like yours over the past couple of years. Even if it makes us stop for a second and pay attention. Thank you for visiting:)

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  4. I have not noticed these numbers popping up, but now that it’s in my mind, I probably will! We’ll see. I love that you use that opportunity to slow down and breathe–just be in the moment. That’s lovely. #MLSTL

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    1. Hi Christie, I don’t know whether things come into our radar for any reason. Like you say, it does make me stop, check in and breathe. Information online talks about being aware of what is going on in your life at this very moment. Supposedly, we are on the right path. It sounds a little woo woo (Oprah’s words lol). I try to keep an open mind. Thank you for reading and your thoughts:)


  5. Hi Erica, yes, I do see 11.11 and also other numbers like this (eg 3.33) often. It’s been many years that I’ve been seeing this, and I do believe that it’s special in some way – just wish I knew exactly in what way! Thanks for sharing your beautiful story. Visiting from MLSTL and shared on SM. 🙂

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    1. Hi Cheryl, I used to have many 8’s in my life, and I still do. I did a little investigating on the 11’s 111’s and lot of information online. Good things. A good path. Stop and notice where you are in your life. Ultimately, I don’t know what it means. Interesting the feedback I have been getting from friends and family the past 3 years. Abby is 3 1/2 now. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts:)


  6. Hi Erica so lovely to have you join us at #MLSTL. I’m intrigued by your post and haven’t really noticed numbers although I usually wake at the same time during the night 2:10. Your little one is obviously loved so much which is the most important thing for a child. Have a beautiful week and now I’ll be looking for 11s, 111s, 1111s throughout my day! Sharing on SM.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue, Our little one is our granddaughter, Abby. You know first hand what a blessing grandchildren are. I had not noticed the 11’s 111’s until the day she was born, and the comment from the ICU nurse. Interesting how you wake up at an exact time each night. Fun to be part of #MLSTL. Meeting interesting bloggers.🙂 This was one of my first posts last Fall and close to my heart. Thoughtful Leanne sent me an email last night to advise me there was no comment section on the post. I was not aware of this and able to remedy it. I am constantly meeting kind, supportive bloggers:)


  7. For me it’s 9s or variations thereof… I wonder why we notice certain things like that so much. I know there’s that “thing” that once you buy a blue Matrix you see them everywhere…. curiouser and curiouser… #mlstl

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Agnes, Nice to meet you! I agree with you. I think there is a “thing”, such as when I was pregnant, I noticed all the pregnant women. A long time, ago. lol. The numbers do make me go hmmmmm……and wonder. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts:)


        1. Hi Jennifer, I have met a couple of people now born on 1/11. It is like you say, possibly a frequency illusion. Now that this is in my radar I will pay attention to how it shows up. Thank you for your thoughtful comment:)


    2. It’s called the Baader-Meinhof syndrome or phenomenon or frequency illusion. It’s like your brain heard that you liked seeing that Blue Matrix and it responded by saying, “Oh, yeah, you like a blue Matrix? Then I’m going to show all of them to you!”

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