How An Iceland Adventure Led To Midlife Blogging

I am honoured to be a guest on Leanne’s inspirational and informative blog, Cresting The Hill  as part of her Midlife Symphony Series 

In my post I am sharing why the second half of my life is the best half of my life.  Choices I have made in the last two years have completely changed my life.   For the better!

Click on the link below to read the story.  I look forward to meeting you there!

Via     How An Iceland Adventure Led To Midlife Blogging


Myvatn Nature Baths, North Iceland

78 thoughts on “How An Iceland Adventure Led To Midlife Blogging

    1. Thank you for your kind, supportive words, Joanne. Iceland is difficult to put into words. It needs to be experienced. We could easily go back in a heartbeat. I greatly appreciate you reading and sharing your thoughts.xx

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  1. What a wonderful Iceland-inspired story Erica/ Erika! I’m glad that it led you to blogging and that’s how I got to know you. I’m heading back to Iceland this spring. Looking forward to the trip 🙂

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    1. Back at you, Natalie. I am glad our paths crossed. Now that I think about it, I had difficulty initially commenting on your site (I was having growing pains:) I am glad I/we persisted to make it work. I added a few more thoughts on Leanne’s site.🙂

      I am very excited about your trip to Iceland this Spring! I can’t wait to read your stories and see the photos! We could easily go back in a heartbeat, and we may. Thank you always for your kindness and encouragement.💕


  2. Erica I’m sooooo pleased to have you as my guest today. Thanks for sharing your story and giving a little bit of insight into another of your talents (magazine writing!) and for encouraging those of us who also battle with the need to be perfect. Midlife is teaching me to be braver and a little imperfect too – and I love that!

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    1. I am very honoured to be a guest, Leanne! Thank you for giving me free rein on my topic and story. As with many of our posts, I also end up learning more about myself. One thought that surfaced is how Perfection is Paralyzing. I am also in awe of how we have SO many things in common. I think you also have two grown daughters? The Dental Hygienist thing is a major goosebump. Thank you again for your generous and kind welcome. We will continue to support each other and help our imperfect little selves be braver. xx 🙂


      1. Hi Erica – back again for #MLSTL and to share again in my SM. I have a grown son and daughter and I think Perfection is Paralyzing is a blog post waiting to happen – I’ll look forward to reading it when you tackle it! Thanks again for being such a wonderful guest.

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    1. Ally, I don’t know whether I can call myself a new blogger too much longer ( 1 1/2 years so far). My beginnings are still fresh in my mind. I added some more thoughts to you on Leanne’s site. The priority: I look forward to reading your posts for years to come, too!

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  3. I really enjoyed reading your article for “Iceland Naturally”, Erica. My own story is similar to yours, in that it was a travel experience that changed my life. Scotland is to me what Iceland is to you. I fell in love with it like I had never fallen for a place before. It is what inspired me to begin my own blog (in midlife). 🙂

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    1. Hi Wendy, Nice to meet you! I just finished communicating with Anabel, Glasgow Gallivanter. I am not sure whether you have met each other. I have learned a great deal from Anabel and Scotland looks like a beautiful country. Fascinating how Scotland inspired you to begin your blog also in midlife. Thank you for reading and sharing your kind comment. I look forward to reading your blog and learning more about Scotland.🙂

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      1. Lovely to meet you, too! Yes, I do know Anabel. We have been WP friends for quite a while. She has lived in Scotland a very long time and has loads of experiences throughout the country. Glad you discovered her blog! Looking forward to getting to know you better through our posts. 🙂

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    1. Thank you, Ingrid. I was on the fence about writing this guest post, and then I decided I would write about my self doubt. I love how you share your photos from this gorgeous planet. Nice to focus on the beauty around us. Thank you for sharing your kind, supportive comment!

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    1. Interesting Eduarda how Iceland made such an impact in our lives. We were overcome with emotion every day taking in the breathtaking beauty. I feel very fortunate I was able to share the experiences with you! XO


    1. Hi Anabel, I shared some thoughts with you on Leanne’s site. I appreciate you sharing beautiful Scotland with us. Possibly next on our list. We are staying close to home right now with a new grandchild on the way. I always greatly appreciate your supportive comments!


    1. Donna, Iceland is actually difficult to put into words. I accumulated about 50 pages of notes. I had to condense my “Iceland Naturally” story into 600 words. Bottom line, it is a life changing experience! You can also see a great deal in seven days. We were fortunate to visit for a month. We would love to return.

      I greatly appreciate your kind, supportive comment! I have added a note to Leanne’s site as well. xx


  4. Erica, I wrote a message in Leanne’s blog but think it disappeared… since this is not unusual for google posted comments I copied it beforehand and share it here with you.


    Leanne, it’s a delight to see Erica on your blog and learn much more about her! Having only met her towards the end of last year I felt I met a kindred spirit immediately, her warmth, kindness, love of life continues to shine through in her guest post here.😀

    Erica, wow! A superlative article. First, I read your Iceland adventure and wow! It is superb! How you managed to choose one photo from 8,000 I have no idea but a wonderfully striking one capturing the magic and beauty of the country. You bring alive your experiences, the warmth of the people and how it touched your soul with eloquence and joy … makes me want to jump on the next plane there!

    I love how you are approaching this second half of your life, it’s uplifting, inspirational! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and both your main points for not being allowed to be ruled by fear and perfection strikes a chord with me!

    Wishing you many more exciting adventures, my friend, and hope you write about these too! You are a gifted writer … writing from your heart … reaching immediately into the reader’s! Hugs xx ❤️


    Have a beautiful weekend, Erica …xx

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    1. Hi Annika, Sorry about the comment disappearing. I think Leanne’s website is under Blogger and I have used Google Chrome to comment there. Usually, I search/respond under Safari. Thank you for taking the time to save, copy/paste here.

      I do recall meeting you Annika on the “Name” posts coincidence when you had featured Sally Cronin and her book “What’s in a Name.” All of this turned out to be a wonderful ‘synchronicity.’ 💗

      I appreciate your very kind, encouraging words. You are right about the “warmth of the people” in Iceland.

      I was hesitant to contribute a story for “Iceland Naturally” and for Leanne and Cresting the Hill. Self-doubt and fear is a common feeling.

      I have tears brimming reading your generous, supportive words, Annika. I look forward to staying connected and sharing our love for reading and writing. 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend. xx 💕

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    2. Hi Annika – Unfortunately Blogger doesn’t play well with Mac products and comments tend to disappear at times (which is a pain in the neck!) Sorry it got lost in the ether. Lovely to meet you and I just wanted to say Hi while I was stopping by Erica’s blog today xx

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      1. Leanne, thank you so much for saying hi over here! 😀 I’ve had trouble before on Blogger and hadn’t realised it was because of Mac issues … However, past experiences made me wise to saving the message before posting! Lovely to meet you across the blogosphere! 😀🌺

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    1. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts, Sheryl. I was not too sure where I was going with the guest post at first. Possibly under the category of ‘write what you know.’ Have a great rest of your weekend!


    1. Hi Lisa, I left a note for you on Leanne’s blog. I greatly appreciate your supportive, encouraging comment today and always! I look forward to sharing more adventures with you wherever 2020 will take us. Happy Valentine’s weekend to you and your loved ones. xx

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    1. Hi Liesbet, I left you a note on Leanne’s blog site. I know you and Mark would love Iceland. It is best to visit while doing some form of camping. There are many stretches of roads where you will not see anyone. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. I greatly appreciate your supportive comments.🙂

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  5. My father often told me that the good is the enemy of the best and it took me many (MANY :)) years to truly understand what he meant. Now I do, and I can understand you story. Thank you so much for sharing it, and I’m looking forward to reading many more of your stories and thoughts!

    And thank you for the gorgeous Iceland photos… wow!

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    1. Hi Endless Weekend, I love your Father’s saying, ‘good is the enemy of the best.’ Thank you for your kind and encouraging comment. I enjoy reading your insightful and entertaining stories. 🙂 I look forward to continued sharing!

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      1. Thank YOU for you very kind words! To my shame, I misquoted my father who told me that the best is the enemy of the good 🥀 it does work both ways, but he was discouraging only seeking perfection. Many times (though not always :)) good enough is … good enough.

        And it’s not just good, it’s wonderful that I found your blog!

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        1. Hi again, I always learn a great deal from comments, blogging friends💕There are times where aiming for Perfection is a good thing. Such as a heart surgeon! And thinking about my daughter, who is not a heart surgeon. She just completed and published a book she has been working on for a couple of years. Watching her with some of the trials and tribulations, and wanting it to be perfect (very close to perfect:). Thank you for making me think and rethink. Your Dad is a very wise man. Interesting how parents and their words can stay with us forever. I also feel it is wonderful our paths/blogs have crossed! 🙂


  6. What a wonderful guest post, Erica! And while I’m sure you’ll see my comment there, I’ll reiterate it here. I love that Mantra! Far too often, I have let something needing to be “perfect” hold me back. I have learned that we are ALL works in progress and we learn most when we let ourselves truly live instead of letting fear hold us back!!

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    1. Hi Amy, I also left a note on Leanne’s site. I find this is a very supportive environment where we can explore, create and thrive. I listened to a podcast where Drew Houston was being interviewed. He is a fascinating person and his quote/mantra resonated with me. I greatly appreciate you sharing your very kind and supportive thoughts. I always enjoy connecting with you, Amy! xx

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    1. Hi Lydia, I left a comment on Leanne’s site, too. We were in Iceland for the month of June. No Northern Lights, although the Midnight Sun instead. Everyone loves their Iceland visit! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


    1. Hi Serena, I have heard wonderful things about Sweden and Norway. We do not have any further travel plans at the moment. Staying closer to home this year. Thank you for the kind words about the photos!


  7. Sorry to tell you this…. but this is absolutely perfect! Ha ha

    For me, it has gotten easier and better in the second part of life – I love and forgive myself more and feel comfortable in my own skin. I’ve let go of worrying about doing things perfectly. And guess what, I’m having the time of my life! My own writing came out of a desire to not only do something creative but as a reply to an inner urge to take a risk! And it’s been so fulfilling!

    Your writings and photos always convey joy, a love of life and an open heart. I would take all of that in a heartbeat over perfection any day!

    Brava E/E!

    Susan Grace

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    1. Oh My Goodness, Susan, you are hilarious. A huge lol on the “perfect” reference! I agree with everything you say, Susan, especially comfortable in my own skin and having the time of my life. I greatly appreciate your constant support, encouragement, acceptance, loving thoughts and sharing your light! You make a difference in my day and ultimately in my life. 💕

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  8. Hi Erica – inspirational … and yes that little something needs to jog the memory – that perfect just never comes … and something that draws us all in for its interesting and informative quirkiness is so much more fun. Iceland – never been … but I’m enticed and would love to see the mid-Atlantic ridge: must be fascinating … cheers HIlary

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    1. Hi Hilary, I am delayed responding to you since I had the privilege of being present at my daughter giving birth to a beautiful little boy on Thursday. She and baby are great! Grandmother, Erica, is overjoyed and exhausted. I may use “perfect” for this little boy.

      You live in a beautiful part of our planet, Hilary. Yet, Iceland is difficult to truly describe. It needs to be experienced. I greatly appreciate you reading and sharing your thoughts!

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      1. How wonderful … and ‘perfectly’ correct to put them first … so pleased all went well and Grandmother Erica is chuffed to bits … lots of happiness ahead. What fun ahead too … so pleased for you – cheers Hilary

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  9. Hi Erica, I was very happy to see you as one of Leanne’s guests for her Midlife Symphony series. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on Iceland as lately my husband and I have watched a couple of drama series set in Iceland and are now deciding if we want to add it to our never ending bucket list! Thanks for sharing and being part of the #MLSTL community. Have a great week. xx

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    1. Hi Sue, You and your husband would enjoy Iceland. You can see a great deal in seven days. We were fortunate to have the month. There is a short documentary on Netflix “Under an Arctic Sky.” Worth watching, especially for the photography at the end and the Northern Lights. I am delayed in my reply, Sue, since I had another life changing experience Thursday night. My “perfect” little grandson was born. Thank you for organizing #MLSTL. Fun! Enjoy your week. xx


  10. As I was grinding through my emails this morning, I found this post that apparently I hadn’t read or commented on … and yet it sounded so familiar. I knew you had a published article under your belt (WOW!) and I remember seeing several of your spectacular photos from Iceland. My regret is that I’ve spent only a few days in Iceland on our way back from Copenhagen a few years ago. I’d love to return some day and your photos cemented that desire.

    What I didn’t remember was this became the catalyst to you becoming a blogger. How amazing is that! … and I’m grateful for having met you online. Looking forward to solidifying this friendship this summer in real life 🙂

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    1. Hi Joanne, I am behind on all of my emails since we have had a flurry of activity around here, as you know from my Instagram post. Grateful for all! You have many breathtaking photos from your travels and hikes. It is difficult to decide where to explore next. For now, I am enjoying staying around home. I look forward to seeing you this Summer, too!🙂


    1. Thank you, Dee, for your kind, encouraging words. I was hesitant about writing this post for all the reasons I mentioned. I think many things happen also because the timing is right. Dee, I greatly appreciate you being part of this supportive blogging community!

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    1. Thank you Bette for your lovely, thoughtful comment. Thank you also for taking the time to share the kind note on Leanne’s site. I am also glad we connected and I look forward to visiting your blog.🙂

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    1. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts, Jude. Leanne and I responded to your comment on Leanne’s site. Nice to stay connected. I look forward to reading your book. 🙂


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