About Me


About Erica/Erika

Welcome to my blog!  I greatly appreciate your visit!

I am an eternal optimist and a grateful Human Being.

I have been living on the beautiful West Coast of British Columbia with my husband for the past 30 years.  I am thankful our two daughters and their families live close by.

“The Malahat” Vancouver Island, B.C.

My career was in health care as a Dental Hygienist for over 25 years.

I am surrounded by people who inspire me on a daily basis.  I love the concept of sharing new perspectives with each other and learning from each other.

I am always observing and paying attention, especially to the lessons that begin in whispers, lessons that get louder and louder.

I love taking pictures and I am often surprised by the hidden gems I missed the first time around.  I chose the name behindthesceneryphoto.com because there is always a story behind every photo.

“Long Beach” Vancouver Island, B.C.

I am passionate about health, wellness and mindfulness.  I am a work in progress, constantly learning, evolving, recreating. 

I appreciate your thoughts, opinions and questions. You can contact me via the Comment section of each post and the private Contact Form.

I hope you will find my stories inspirational and thought-provoking. We can also have fun.  Ultimately, we are in this life together. Thank you for stopping by.


A Favourite Mantra

“If you believe you can or cannot, you are right.”

Why the Names Erica/Erika?

A question I am often asked is why the two names?  The answer is found in this link. Erica or Erika? Which Name Should I Keep?

My Life So Far

“It was nothing I thought it would be and everything I had hoped” (by Erica Henault)

Samples of some of my recent articles which have appeared in print and online publications


My latest story “Enjoy a Fun-Filled Run in Oliver Osoyoos Wine Country.” Check it out in print in “Reader’s Digest, More of Our Canada” September 2023 issue. Available in “Libby” the library app. I will post a link when my story is online.

Originally in “Our Canada” Magazine, June/July 2022 and republished/updated in “Reader’s Digest, Canada” June 10, 2022  “For the Love of Camping”

“Reader’s Digest, More of Our Canada” Magazine, March, 2022. “Vancouver Island Charm” 

“What’s Up Yukon” Yukon Lifestyle Magazine, February, 2024  “Marriage: Five Things No One Told Me 45 Years Ago”

“What’s Up Yukon”  Yukon Lifestyle Magazine, September, 2022 “Returning Home to the Yukon”  (pages 17&19). Online story link:  “Returning Home to the Yukon”

“What’s Up Yukon”  Yukon Lifestyle Magazine, January, 2019  “Sliding Doors – Do you ever wonder how your life would be different now if you had taken the Other Door?”

“The Icelander”  “Iceland Naturally Magazine”  Travel and culture topics related to Iceland.  “How Do I Choose One Favourite Photo Of Iceland?”

Short Articles:

“Reader’s Digest, UK” magazine

“Capital Daily News” in Victoria, B.C.

“Capital Daily, The Good Newsletter” in Victoria, B.C.

“Prevention, Australia” magazine

“Reader’s Digest, Our Canada” magazine

“Reader’s Digest, More of Our Canada” magazine

Copyright Notice

Copyright ©️ 2018 – 2024 behindthesceneryphoto.com – Erica Henault – All rights reserved. All photographs and writing are my own unless otherwise noted.

28 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hi Erica,
    Nice to meet you here and lovely to see such a positive blog. Photography, vulnerability and works in progress I feel are things we have in common.
    I look forward to reading your posts and sharing your journey, thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Nice to meet you, Michele. I briefly visited your site to find out your name. I became caught up in your interesting, heartwarming stories and the fun, beautiful photos. I have been blogging about 1 1/2 years and I am still on a huge learning curve. For the first 6 months I did not even have “Comments” toggled on until someone pointed this out to me. I think leaving comments is by either scrolling down to end and a comment section appears. Or possibly, depending on the device, clicking on comments and the section appears. I greatly appreciate the follow and I have subscribed to your site. I look forward to reading and connecting.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Erica,

    It’s nice to meet you and read about you, too. Thanks for visiting my site and I look forward to reading more of your posts and viewing your photos. I’ve had my blog for 9 years now, and my son, who at the time was 15, nudged me into starting a poetry blog which happened to be around the time that I turned the Big Five-O! I don’t know if you remember, but I’ve just returned after a very long break, so I’ve made some minor changes, one being that I’m not sharing only poetry. I’ll share anything I’ve written in any form, along with photos. So, I admire you for jumping in with a positive attitude. This is a great way to connect with people across the globe and it’s also a wonderful classroom. Wishing you all the best and see you around. 🙂 Lauren 🌷

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Lauren, Thank you for taking the time out to visit and comment on the “About me.” I haven’t really updated it since I began blogging about one and one half years ago. Overall, I think it still holds true.

      Yes, I agree with you, on how blogging is a great way to connect with people from across the globe. I did not know any of this when I first started. In the beginning I did not even have “comments” toggled on until a kind blogger pointed this out. I love the supportive community and I learn a great deal every day. This has become one of my Happy Places. I look forward to continuing the connection.🙂🌻Erica

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Dear Erica/Erika,

      Hello! I concur with your friend Lauren, the Baydreamer. You have indeed lived a very full life. What a loving celebration of life! And what a post you have indeed composed in the one entitled “Can You Still Have Romance After 42 Years of Marriage?”!

      Needless to say, I have enjoyed reading some of your posts and pages and your conversations with your commenters. Speaking of being present in the moment with awareness and (engaged) mindfulness, I can see from your long introduction here that you are “passionate about health, wellness and mindfulness”, which happens to be a topic that I have quite a lot to convey to you in a special, very expansive post. Please kindly allow me the pleasure of reciprocating the tenet, spirit and essence of your introduction with the post entitled “🦅 SoundEagle in Best Moment Award from Moment Matters 🔖🏆” at https://soundeagle.wordpress.com/2013/03/18/soundeagle-in-best-moment-award-from-moment-matters/

      Please kindly let me know what you think of my said post by leaving your feedback at the comment section of my post, especially if you think that it could be improved or expanded in certain ways. Thank you in anticipation.

      The said post opens with this paragraph:

      A spiritual outlook with a minimalist perspective on life that is conducive to happiness is often predicated on living in the present moment through mindful awareness emancipated from the vagaries of the subconscious and the itinerants of the mind.

      May you find this post dealing with mindfulness and “living in the moment” beneficial to you and Lauren as well as your family in various ways. Please be informed that you might need to use a desktop or laptop computer with a large screen to view the rich multimedia contents available for heightening your multisensory enjoyment at my websites, some of which could be too powerful and feature-rich for iPad, iPhone, tablet or other portable devices to handle properly or adequately.

      Though the post is very long and encyclopaedic, the navigational menu there can help you to jump to any section of the post instantly so that you can resume reading at any point of the post over multiple sessions in your own time.

      Happy mid-December to you and your family!

      May you and Lauren find this winter and the rest of the year very much to your liking and highly conducive to your writing, thinking and blogging!


      1. Thank you for your very kind, thoughtful and comprehensive comment, Sound Eagle. Sometimes WP is glitchy and I did not receive the comment in my inbox. I appreciate you taking the time with your second attempt. I have bookmarked your post you highlighted here and I look forward to reading it. You are obviously very artistic with many words of wisdom.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Dear Erica,

          Yes, WordPress can be glitchy. You can find my said comment at https://behindthesceneryphoto.com/wp-admin/edit-comments.php?comment_status=spam

          Please kindly unspam my comment there and then approve it, and then you will be able to see it here in your “About Me” page. This is a very long and special comment that I have composed for you in response to what I have read in your “About Me” page and also what you wrote elsewhere.

          Liked by 1 person

    3. Dear Erica/Erika,

      Hi there! I am unsure as to whether my previous comment has got through. Here is my second attempt at submitting this comment.

      I concur with your friend Lauren, the Baydreamer. You have indeed lived a very full life. What a loving celebration of life! And what a post you have indeed composed in the one entitled “Can You Still Have Romance After 42 Years of Marriage?”!

      Needless to say, I have enjoyed reading some of your posts and pages and your conversations with your commenters. Speaking of being present in the moment with awareness and (engaged) mindfulness, I can see from your long introduction here that you are “passionate about health, wellness and mindfulness”, which happens to be a topic that I have quite a lot to convey to you in a special, very expansive post. Please kindly allow me the pleasure of reciprocating the tenet, spirit and essence of your introduction with the post entitled “🦅 SoundEagle in Best Moment Award from Moment Matters 🔖🏆” at http://soundeagle.wordpress.com/2013/03/18/soundeagle-in-best-moment-award-from-moment-matters/

      Please kindly let me know what you think of my said post by leaving your feedback at the comment section of my post, especially if you think that it could be improved or expanded in certain ways. Thank you in anticipation.

      The said post opens with this paragraph:

      A spiritual outlook with a minimalist perspective on life that is conducive to happiness is often predicated on living in the present moment through mindful awareness emancipated from the vagaries of the subconscious and the itinerants of the mind.

      May you find this post dealing with mindfulness and “living in the moment” beneficial to you and Lauren as well as your family in various ways. Please be informed that you might need to use a desktop or laptop computer with a large screen to view the rich multimedia contents available for heightening your multisensory enjoyment at my websites, some of which could be too powerful and feature-rich for iPad, iPhone, tablet or other portable devices to handle properly or adequately.

      Though the post is very long and encyclopaedic, the navigational menu there can help you to jump to any section of the post instantly so that you can resume reading at any point of the post over multiple sessions in your own time.

      Happy mid-December to you and your family!

      May you and Lauren find this winter and the rest of the year very much to your liking and highly conducive to your writing, thinking and blogging!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi
    I visite your site. I read your introduction. Good blog post. Nice photography. Intersting story post. Your work in progress. I enjoyed. I am so happy

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Hi Erica,
    my name is Erika , too. My husband calls me “Hase”, so I comments with Hase on the blogs.
    I live in area Germanys called Rheinhessen in Rheinland-Pfalz. We have many winyards here, my husband likes to watch birds. He travels often in areas, where many birds are.
    I cam here because I was reading some blogs like wordsfromannelie.
    Greetings from Hase Erika

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Nice to meet you Hase, Erika. 🙂 I think Hase means “rabbit” in German. I was born in Canada, yet, German is my first language. I rarely speak it now. Annelie has a beautiful blog. Thank you for sharing your kind comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Dear Erica,

    Thank you very much for your comment and compliment at my post entitled “💨 Strong Wind Knows Tough Grass 🌾 疾風知勁草”.

    I have also responded to your comment with a very bespoke reply at my post entitled “🎴 If My Name Were Moon Tonight… 🌛🌝🎑🈷 with Clair de Lune 🌕”. The reply comes with a special Christmas tree with a message. Please kindly take a good look.

    More importantly, I submitted a detailed comment to your “About Me” page here on December 16, 2020 at 9:12 pm, and it is still awaiting moderation (for your approval).

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Lovely to meet up with you and be able to connect. You have a very inspiring way of writing about your life and some great photos. We are mainly in Spain but closer to family while all this pandemic carries on in the UK. I need to adjust to writing from northern grey skies.

    Liked by 1 person

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