“I Can Tell That We Are Going To Be Friends”

“We all come with a slightly different point of view…It’s like a band where we each play our own instrument, but then when we come together, the sound is greater than our individual parts.” (Jennifer Whalen – Baroness von Sketch Show)

Friends at this Year’s Blogging Get-together

Donna Retirement Reflections Deb Widow Badass Jude Dr Sock Writes Here

Janis Retirementally Challenged Kathy Smart Living 365 Ann The Unretired Life

Abby 4-legged Fur Friend belonging to Jude

From the left: Donna, Ann, Kathy, Janis, Deb, Erica, in front Jude & fur-friend Abby

Challenging to make it happen

Distance, border closures, border strikes, family commitments, Summer busyness, a pandemic.

4 Things I Learned At This Year’s Blogging Get-together

1.  It is not a short hike if we get lost

Moorecraft Regional Park

“AllTrails” describes “Moorecroft Regional Park” as an easy, 1.8 kilometre hike. This is one of many beautiful trails and coastal views on The Island

We meet here and the nonstop chatter and laughter begins.

A member in our group eventually looks up and realizes we are on private property.

After a few more wrong turns we manage to weave our way back to the parking lot.

Note to self:  Always be prepared with extra water and trail mix. Especially when we are immersed in conversation, shenanigans, and fun with fellow bloggers.

2.  My husband does not remove his pants at all blogging get-togethers

I asked my husband whether he would like to join us this year.

Before I could finish my sentence, he said “I am in!”

This time, my husband left our house wearing shorts prepared for a warm Summer’s Day.

The first part to this story can be explained here My Husband Returns Without His Pants On. We Were In For a Fun Time describing our blogging get-together in July, 2019.

How do the spouses get along when bloggers meet up?

I agree with Donna’s comment on her post Silent Sunday Protection Island. “Fortunately, they all get along amazingly well and have gotten into deep conversations together. At first, we thought it was a lucky fluke. But when you think about it, the super large blogging world allows like-minds/like-values to find each other – so the natural fit really does make sense.”

Warm greetings, great conversation, thoughtful, inclusive, laughter, fun!!

Of course, my husband says “I am in.”

3.  Bloggers have many hidden talents

I was disappointed to see my husband had given out his gifts to Deb and Donna before I arrived for dinner.

In all fairness, he did not need to wait for me and he could choose the timing.

Deb and Donna reward us with an Oscar-worthy performance, titled

“The Reenactment.”   

You ladies are hilarious!

My belly hurts from too much laughing.

4.  The difference between Virtual Relationships, In Real Life, In Person

Virtual Relationships and In Real Life

Kind, inspirational, wise Sue Women Living Well After 50 left me with a thought-provoking concept during one of our conversations.

Sue suggested how the Virtual Relationships and friends we make blogging are part of our Real Life

I wholeheartedly agree with Sue. Every blogger I meet, reading their blogs and exchanging comments has enriched my life. I am entertained, learn something new, gain a different perspective.

We share and support each other. We become blogging friends.

You are all a part of my Real Life.

In Person

Meeting In Person is a unique opportunity and a privilege.

It brings the relationship to a whole new level.

Thank you everyone for our get-together!

“I can tell that we are going to be friends”

“I can tell that we are going to be friends”

Behind the Scenery

Thank you, Jude, for your warm welcome hosting us at your home.

Thank you, Donna. You have a gift for recognizing the good in people, bringing out the best in them and bringing people together.

We missed you Joanne My Life Lived Full and Following a Bold Plan Wish you could be here.

Thank you everyone! You always make a difference in my life!

More Blogging Get-togethers

Have You Ever Been On A Blind Date?

Do You Have Different Friends for Different Seasons?

The Almost Perfect Visit

All The Time In The World


Most of the photos are mine. A few photos were AirDropped into my photo album.

Song Credits

“We’re going to be friends” (lyrics: Jack Johnson) (song: Caroline Pennel)

“Count on me” (Bruno Mars)

If you feel comfortable sharing, which Blogger would you like to meet In Person and why?

183 thoughts on ““I Can Tell That We Are Going To Be Friends”

  1. This is such an incredible story of friendship. One of the things I love about WP and this community is the connections & friendships we build. And you gals have nurtured such camaraderie!

    Liked by 4 people

      1. I have – and yes, it’s fun to experience a story from different perspectives. What I took away from each telling was that you guys really cherish this friendship and the time you have together.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for sharing your supportive comment, Yvette. I was hoping readers would ‘get it’ on how funny it was to watch the reenactment. I am glad we had the opportunity to meet in person and I look forward to future get togethers. I hope you are well with school season upon us.💕

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m ashamed to say that my first reaction was pure. green. jealousy. SO wonderful of you all to be able to get together in REAL time. As you say, we are all REAL friends, even if we don’t get to see each other in person. But the joy and friendship shown in these photos is so genuine and special. I did get to see two bloggers this summer! Liesbet Collaert (of Roaming About) and Amy Reader (of Reade and Write) in two very different places – MA for one, NJ for the other. We had such a great time chatting. A real booster to this time of pandemics and … questions about boosters. 🙂 What a lovely post, Erica.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Pam, Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughtful comment. A get-together is rare, a privilege and lots of fun. You would always be welcome to join in as a REAL friend in REAL time. As you say, a real booster in this time of pandemics. A huge treat for you to meet Liesbet (and possibly Mark and Maya?) I have not met Amy Reader virtually. I will visit her site. My granddaughters continue to love reading (or me reading to them) “Molly Finds Her Purr.” I hope you and loved ones are well.💕

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes yes yes! My guy and I met all three / Liesbet and Mark and Maya. It was a real boost(er) in these times of pandemic. And that’s how I know how marvelous you all most have felt being together in real time.
        Amy has published quite a number of books and she and I were featured together in one of Sally Cronin’s blog posts. That was a lot of fun! 😍😎😁
        I am thrilled that you all are enjoying my Molly book. 🐈 Thanks for another boost. 🤗

        Liked by 1 person

  3. This is a wonderful idea. I have only met one person who was in our blog circle. He has stopped blogging, miss his wisdom. One lady blogger and I have tried several times to get together. We live several states away from each other. Not easy, but you make me want to try again, thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nice to meet you, Betty. Interesting how a blogger friend stopped blogging. I wonder whether he will resume blogging and why he stopped blogging. We were fortunate how meeting up this Summer worked for us despite many challenges. If you have not met your lady blogger friend, yet, you will be pleasantly surprised how everyone is even nicer and more fun in person. Thank you for visiting here and sharing your thoughtful comment.


      1. I do know why he quit blogging and I do think someday when his business becomes more secure he will start again. Your post has given me encouragement to continue to try and get with my blogging friend. I so admire her because she has been through a terrible divorce and come out stronger in the Lord. Thanks for posting what you did.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts, Lisa. It is (almost) impossible to meet some of our blogging/writing friends depending on where they live on our planet. Donna (Retirement Reflections) and I met the first time because we live about two hours apart. And, like you say “…it was fun.” 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. What lovely meetup of all of you this year, Erica. Such a great friendship group, bloggers turned friends into real life. I really like the title of this post – it sounds so enthusiastic, excited and fun ahead with friendship. I agree with what Pam said in the comments, that we are all real friends on here even if we don’t meet each other in person. It’s such a great community here.

    That’s so funny you all got off track hiking around. It sounded like so much fun navigating where you want to go and you all got to where you wanted in the end. Also so lovely to have gifts going round. It’s indeed enriching reading each other’s blogs and exchanging comments. But meeting up in person takes that all to another level. I’ve meet a few blogging and internet friends in real life over the years, and we’ve all stayed in touch til this day 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nice to have you visit here, Mabel! I have been off the grid camping. Coincidentally I was honestly thinking about you while I was away. I read “Lady by the River” and I zeroed in on your contribution “How I found the confidence to chase my passion and made it a reality.” I loved it! Very genuine and inspirational! I enjoyed learning more about you.🙂

      Thank you for your comment here. You are absolutely correct how it is a great community here. Interesting how you mention the title of this post. I came up with it on the drive home from this particular blogging meeting. It is about a two hour drive one way for us.

      The song “We’re going to be friends” was playing on the podcast on the way home and I thought it would make a perfect title. If you are curious, I used this song in the video I compiled at the end of this post.

      I greatly appreciate your thoughtful words. They always make a difference Mabel.❤️ I am pressing “pause” on blogging at the moment for personal reasons. I will still visit and read blogs and I look forward to catching up on your words.❤️


      1. It is very kind of you to read my contribution in Lady by the River. Thank you so much for reading and for your kind words 🙂 Very nice you are having some time offline and going off the grid camping. It must be wonderful being in nature and soaking up what this world has to offer, away from the grind and reality. I hope you are having a wonderful time and continue to your enjoy your time away 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. How fabulous to see like-minded bloggers getting together and having a wonderful time. It’s been a very long since I have met up with other bloggers. Lovely to see all your beautiful smiling faces! x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Min, I left a comment on your recent post. I am not sure whether you moderate your site. Thank you for visiting here. We did have a wonderful time together. Always better than even anticipated. I have not been posting on my blog for many personal reasons. I still want to return here and I often visit other blogs. I look forward to seeing more of your Instagram photos. 😀 Erica


  6. I thought that you must have stopped blogging, Erica, but I do value your presence in the comments on Yvette’s interview today. I hope that all is good with you. Maybe you’ve taken time out to write that epic novel? Whatever the reasons, it’s obvious that you have many blogging friends and the connections are, as you point, very special. I sometimes wonder where my blog ends and real life begins, but all of it brings so much joy. Glad you’re feeling it too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Kristin, Nice to meet you! I left a longer comment on your blog site. You are absolutely right how rewarding it is to meet up with virtual blogging friends. We have a great deal in common and never run out of subjects to talk about. I have paused my blogging site for awhile, yet, I know I want to return when the time is right. I have other writing projects at the moment and I visit and read my virtual friend’s posts often. We are also fortunate to visit in person when we can. Thank you for your thoughtful comment. 😊 Erica


    1. Hi Kate, Nice to hear from you. I have blogging friends, I visit blogs often, and I see blogging friends in real life. We never run out of things to talk about. I think today or almost first day of Spring. Enjoy the change in seasons 😊

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