“All The Time In The World”

A Compelling, Life-changing Film

West Coast Vancouver Island, Pacific Rim National Park

I have purchased only one documentary in my entire life.

“All The Time In The World” by filmmaker, Suzanne Crocker.

Winner of 22 Awards from around the world, including Most Popular Canadian Documentary at the Vancouver International Film Festival in 2014.

Ocean life at Green Point Campground, West Coast Vancouver Island, May 2021

Why Did This Story Catch My Attention?

Friend and Blogging Buddy, Deb, (Widow Badass)
Deb, Richard, (Donna’s husband) & Donna – Friends and Blogging Buddies “Widow Badass” and “Retirement Reflections”

Suzanne Crocker and her husband take their three children, ages 10, 8 and 4 to live off the grid for nine months in the Yukon wilderness.

  • They live in a small cabin with no road access.
  • No technology, no phone, no electricity, no watches, no internet, no running water.
  • Stunning photography. 
  • Inspirational insights and lessons, especially from the children.

A heart-warming, moving, powerful, beautiful story.

Windy day, fog lifting
Tide rolling in – weather changes by the hour

Disconnecting to Reconnect

What would I do if I had “All the Time in the World?”

  • I would leave my watch in a drawer.
  • I would spend relaxed moments listening and sharing with my loved ones.
  • I would take slow, deep breaths and not call it meditation. 
  • I would sit quietly listening to the ocean, to the birds, to the leaves rustling.
  • I would go for a meandering stroll, the steps taking me where my heart leads me.
  • I would hang out with friends, laugh and tell stories about everything and about nothing.
Me, Chuck (my husband), Deb, Donna, Richard (Donna’s Husband) – waiting for the sun to set
  • I would sit and watch a sunset, thankful for another day, another breath, another heartbeat.
West Coast Vancouver Island, Pacific Rim National Park

I have all the Time in the World.

That Time is called Now.

What would You do if you had “All The Time In The World?” 

Behind The Scenery

Serendipity!  Synchronicity!  What are the chances?!  

Me, Deb, Donna, Richard – waiting for the sun to set

This is an unusual year for reserving campsites. Many new restrictions and a new reservation system for Parks Canada.

My husband and I set up a reservation at Greenpoint Campsite near Tofino the second the online reservation system opened up.

The only campsites available were at the end of May for our annual West Coast, Pacific Rim National Park camping trip.

The day prior to leaving we found out wonderful friends and bloggers, Deb, and Donna with her husband, Richard, were staying at Greenpoint Campground.

The EXACT SAME WEEKEND we were camping there!

Deb was our immediate neighbour and Donna and Richard were camping three sites away from us.

What are the chances?!


My Favourite Song From “All The Time In The World”

“The Year We Lived” by Anne Louise Genest on the soundtrack “All The Time In The World”  by Alex Houghton and Anne Louise Genest

I share my YouTube video below, along with this song and more photos from “Our West Coast Camping Adventure.”


Thank you to Deb, Donna, Richard and Chuck ❤️

Our West Coast Camping Adventure

(You may recognize a couple of your favourite bloggers and the two amazing men in our lives xo)

Deb and Donna share beautiful photos and more stories about their Tofino camping adventure here:

Deb: The Widow Badass Blog – Tofino Camping

Donna: Retirement Reflections – Tofino Camping

Link for more information to the documentary: “All The Time In The World”

Re photos in this post: all photos were taken at Green Point Campground, on the West Coast of Vancouver Island the end of May, 2021 – beginning June, 2021

Copyright: ©️ 2018 – 2021 behindthesceneryphoto.com – Erica Henault – All rights reserved. All photographs and writing are my own unless otherwise noted. 

172 thoughts on ““All The Time In The World”

  1. I don’t believe in “coincidences.” I believe this camping get-together was meant to be. And it’s VERY cool and wonderful. 🙂 Love love your photos and video and the joie de vivre of everyone. And I’m with you on what I’d like to do if I had “all the time in the world.” And really, why CAN’T we do these things? ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I too believe many of our synchronicities are meant to be, Pam. It turned out to be a fun few days with Deb, Donna and Richard on many levels. Visiting/hiking in a relaxed, beautiful setting allows us to get to know each other better. For me, “all the time in the world” is staying in the present moment. Always easier when we are out in nature. Exciting time for you with the release of “Flashes of Life: True Tales of the Extraordinary in the Ordinary.”❤️

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    1. We had a wonderful time, Bette, and grateful to have the opportunity to visit these parks. Thank you for sharing your thoughtful, kind comment. Have a wonderful Day. (By the way, every time I see a butterfly I think about you.)❤️

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  2. Erica, what a lovely post. I love that you shared the video. I feel like I know all of you so much better. The photographs are stunning and I love the music too! Lens-Artist’s Louis Armstrong, too! That song’s been running through my head since Saturday. I’m simply spellbound. I have chosen this post to link to your name on the attendance roster for the June Story Chat Summary. Thanks so much for commenting on Deb’s story.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Marsha, for your thoughtful, kind comment. It is interesting how this song has been circulating the last few weeks. The ironic part about the video is I wanted to share more photos of our weekend and I chose 95 photos. I moved the photos from a file to a ‘project’ file and the order of the photos scrambled. I quickly chose 3 songs and the exact total seconds of the songs equals the timing of the slideshow. Thank you for linking this post to June Story Chat. Thank you for your generous support and encouragement in the writing community. ❤️

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  3. Thanks for this beautiful post, Erica. I’ll certainly keep an eye out for this film. The images are spectacular. Thanks for including your video. I love what you said about taking deep breaths without having to call it meditation. 😉 Hugs on the wing.

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    1. Thank you, Teagan, for your exceptionally kind comment. I am grateful to have access to nature and camping, especially when we meet up with friends. Thank you for ‘getting it’ on taking deep breaths without calling it meditation. I “try” to meditate and it often seems harder than it should. It dawned on me when I am in the forest and by the ocean I naturally breathe deeply. I appreciate the hugs and I look forward to visiting your creative world.😀

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  4. Erica, what would WE do if we had all the time in the world? First of all, everything on your list. Add to this: Ben “I would read newspapers (physical ones) page to page, without concern for worrying about anything on a to do list.” Peta: “I would do what I do now.. enjoy all the moments stretching, breathing, being in nature, eating good food and surrounding myself with positive people.”

    Gorgeous photos! Love that you did this all with Deb and Janis and your respective spouses. What great fun! So beautifully written Erica. Bravo. Now we need to find the movie so we can watch it for ourselves. Thanks for the recommend.

    Peta & Ben

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    1. Hi Peta and Ben, You do appear to live your life doing the things you love. You have worked hard along the way to get to this point. For me, all the time in the world is this very present moment. Where I feel I am part of the infinite wonder of our Universe. Thank you for your kind words. Our wonderful coincidence was meeting up with Deb (Widow Badass) and Donna with her husband, Richard (Retirement Reflections) It was a great deal of fun!


  5. You know, while I was reading that, I thought that if I had all the time in the world, I would do the things I do now! I love writing, I love my yoga, I love spending quiet weeks in the woods or on the water…And I also love a fast-paced day of leading my team. Beautiful post, and I love the pictures!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Bethany, Wonderful how you are already doing the things you love right now. You set a great example for Iliana. Thank you for your kind, thoughtful words. I am surrounded by beauty every day and I have to choose between the many photos.🙂

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  6. What a beautiful post, Erica! I enjoyed all of your photos, the ocean is so peaceful. I love the list you like the documentary All the Time in the World. You don’t need the watch to tell time. I stopped wearing a watch 15-20 years ago. When I wore my watch, I looked at it every 10 minutes. Right now, I only look at the clock about once every two hours. It was amazing what Suzanne Crocker and her husband did for nine months. I’m not sure if I could do that. Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts and smiles.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Miriam. We are fortunate to have access to many beautiful areas. Interesting about not wearing a watch. I think this is rare nowadays and admirable. I gravitated to this documentary a few years ago, since we used to live in the Yukon. I found the actual footage and dialogue engaging and inspirational. Especially from the children’s point of view. Enjoy your Summer. It has been hot, hot, hot here the past few days. ☀️

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      1. You’re welcome, Erica. I know the weather in the northwest has been unusually crazy the last few days. My daughter is in Portland, Oregon and it was 110F on Sunday, recording breaking heat. Hope you have air conditioning. 🙂

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  7. Hi Erica – that was quite wonderful … I so enjoyed it – the people!, the views, the music – so brilliantly put together …

    I hope that heat moves along – we at least have some sun today … thick mist and drizzle, but it is the Eastbourne tennis and Wimbledon season. Brought back happy memories of VI and its surrounds … stay safe with your icepacks a-blowing cool air around … cheers HIlary

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Hilary, for your kind, thoughtful words. We had a lot of fun on our camping trip and always grateful to access our beautiful, natural environment. It has cooled down for us, today, and I am heading out for an early morning hike. Canada Day today, although, many mixed emotions in our country right now. Best to head out and count my blessings. Have fun watching tennis and Wimbledon season. Take care. 💕

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Suzanne, Your comment made me smile. I sometimes read and not comment depending on cell/wifi where I am. It was a treat and a happy coincidence to meet up with Donna, Richard and Deb. Thank you for your kind words about the photos. A treat to see your beautiful photos on Instagram. 🙂

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    1. It was a lot of fun with Deb, Donna and Richard. We almost wondered if it was more fun since there was no planning involved. Flexibility, potluck, play. We have been camping at Greenpoint for many years, Jude. This is the first time we came across the tidal pools at this beach. Possibly the tide was out? Camping in May? And loved seeing the starfish coming back. Hope you have a great camping season.


    1. Thank you, Mark. It was an unexpected surprise to meet up with Deb, Donna and Richard. My career had many time commitments, right down to minutes and seconds for procedures and appointments. Likely the feeling about the watch, although I wear one.🙂 Grateful to be able to get out into nature around here.

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  8. All The Time In The World by Suzanne Crocker does sound like an inspiring narrative and encourages us to be mindful of nature around us. You have quite a few thoughtful ways of disconnecting and being mindful of what you’re got – and so agree that the time we have to accomplish that is now. Time spent with others is so precious as you could never know when you’ll see them next. For me, to reconnect I like to not check my phone for a day, spending it time with people I love – perhaps we take a walk together and have long chats and really just a simple good day together 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I gravitated to this narrative since we used to live in the Yukon and the scenery brought back fond memories. One of the songs from the documentary is a favourite on my playlists.

      A great point, Mabel, about not checking the phone and possibly totally unplugged, off the grid for at least a day helps with mental health and true connections. Walking and talking with a friend is a favourite pastime. Like you say ‘a simple good day together.’ 🙂Thank you for sharing your thoughtful comment. ❤️


  9. If only we had all the time in the world. I am conscious of time passing more quickly as I get older, or do we waste more time as we get older?
    You have a fantastic friendship going with the other bloggers and I saw on an older post that one of them owns a Schnauzer?? Is that right?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Amanda, I have only had a chance to see them once or twice a year because of family and personal commitments. The closest live about 2 hours away. We do have a great deal in common and always plenty to talk about. A few of them have new dogs or grand dogs. I have lost track. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. 😀


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