Are We There Yet?

In Part One – “The Honeymoon Period” (Link here)

I introduced you to how I am walking the Conqueror Virtual Challenge, Ring Road, Iceland.  

My goal:  1332.5 km in 168 days

Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon

Part Two – “Are We There Yet?”

  • Five postcards sent.
  • One tree planted.
  • 475km walked.
  • 35% completed.

One Pervasive Thought

              “I do not walk alone

Some Of The People Who Walk Alongside Me

Annika Perry shares a beautiful and fascinating post describing her virtual walk along Hadrian’s Wall, as part of the Conqueror Challenge along with her In Real Life walk near her home. “Duality Of Walks”

At the end of her post, Annika shares the song ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone,’ Sir Captain Tom Moore recorded with Michael Ball.  (‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ link)

            Beautiful music, powerful words, a moving message, inspire every step I take.

Susan Scott shares inspirational words she recently heard as part of a podcast. Dr. James Hollis, a Jungian Analyst says ‘…he’s too busy living and working, learning and loving to worry too much about aging in spite of being in treatment for cancer.’  Susan Scott’s post “Aging”

            I save these words in my “Inspiration File.”

Pete Springer writes about topics that matter and make a difference. Pete shares the lyrics of a song “Somebody’s Baby” by Pat Benatar in his heartwarming and thought-provoking post “Lessons in Humanity.” Part of the song lyrics: Pat Benatar – Somebody’s Baby

He used to be somebody’s baby

Someone used to hold him close, and rock him gently

He used to be the light in someone’s eyes

He used to matter, he used to matter

Someone cared if he lived or died

Someone held him in their arms – when he cried

And when he hurt, someone kept the world away

Someone loved him, someone loved him.

            We were all somebody’s baby. We all matter. We all make a difference.

Godafoss, Iceland, 2017

Yvette Prior Priorhouse Blog always kind, generous and thoughtful, recently brought the phrase “share your essence” into my radar.

  • A stunning photo.
  • A beautiful painting.
  • A poignant song.
  • Creative words. Thoughtful words. Kind words.

            Thank you for “sharing your essence

Myvatn Nature Baths, Iceland, 2017

My Walks In Solitude

Under the evening stars and many phases of the moon.

I hear the sounds of silence.

I also hear your footsteps alongside me.

You have bared your soul. Shared your essence. Forever changed me.

            I do not walk alone.

My Husband, Saxe Point, Victoria, B.C. February 2021
Saxe Point, Victoria, B.C. February, 2021

Are We There Yet?

Often, a gentle nudge out the door.

Sometimes, slogging it out. 

            Rain, Snow, Sleet, Howling Winds…typical West Coast weather.

Most of the time, the best part of my day!

I am not there yet.  857.5 kilometres left to go.

            Thank you for walking alongside me on this journey.

My Neighbourhood, February, 2021

Are you part of a fitness challenge? Do you get out on daily walks?

Have recent words made a difference in your life?

Behind The Scenery

I Fell In Love With “The Kiffness” This Past Year

Beautiful, poignant songs.

Parodies guaranteed to make you smile.

Susan Scott Garden of Eden Blog has a talented and creative family. Her son, David Scott, founded a well known South African Band, “The Kiffness.”

In the first video, David Scott and his wife, Jute Scott, sing a powerful, moving song ‘A South African Blessing’ Tribute to Healthcare Workers. The song includes Zulu and Afrikaans. (Derived from “Irish Blessing” by J.E. Moore) 

In the second video, David Scott and his Father sing “Father & Son (Cat Stevens Lockdown Parody)”  

141 thoughts on “Are We There Yet?

  1. That was such a lovely mix of thoughts, images, sounds, and senses Erica. Every time I see pictures of those Nature Baths in Iceland or the dense snow in the Northern Hemisphere (like on your walk) I realize how amazing our world is. To think that I’m sitting here in shorts and a tee shirt while you’re tromping through the snow – it just fascinates me. Thanks for sharing your latest journeyings with us x

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I wholeheartedly agree with you, Leanne, how our planet is amazing. I think your getaway and photos were on Rottnest Island, about the same time we had our snow. Many of the words I read from the writing community stay with me long afterwards. Some of the gems and insights come to the surface on my evening walks. I love my family and friends, yet walking time alone is a real treat. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.xx


    1. Thank you for your kind comment, Deb. My evening walks always help me sort out some of the insights and gems I read throughout the day. Nice to have some time alone in nature, as you well know.💕

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    1. Thank you for joining me on some of my kilometres, Eduarda.❤️ I cannot get through listening to ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ and the ‘South African Blessing’ tribute without tears. These songs often run through my mind especially on my evening walks. I feel grateful we live in an area where we can access beautiful areas. xo ❤️


  2. We walk every day . . . and it often is the best part of the day for me. I love being outside, listening to the birds, feeling the breeze, etc.

    But I do NOT walk in snowscapes these days. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I was telling my husband today how I can hear many birds early in the morning with the arrival of Spring. A beautiful sound.🙂 We had only a few days of snow in Victoria this year and we took full advantage of wearing our boots and winter jackets. Thank you for sharing your lovely thoughts, Nancy. 💕

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    1. I try to relax my brain/mind when I walk, yet, thoughts seem to surface, likely for all of us. Brad, you have a gift for sharing your essence with your beautiful poetry and prose.🙂


  3. A beautiful post. I love the idea of your challenge. We are still in lockdown here but I did get my New Zealand badge from Fitbit recently. (I think it is walking the length of New Zealand). It took me about a year and no trees planted.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Anne, you are inspirational walking the length of New Zealand and getting your badge. I just read your comment on my ‘Honeymoon’ post and I am excited how you signed up for the Ring of Kerry. I looked up the route and it looks beautiful! I find these challenges are fun. I hope you will keep me posted on your progress.🙂

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  4. The images are gorgeous, and the music, and thoughts are very poignant.

    I walk just about every day. Today I’m stuck indoors due to a storm passing through, but I’ll walk around the house a lot just to get my body moving.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I get it about the body moving, Deborah. I find I do stiffen up a lot easier these days if I am too sedentary. I also found the songs poignant and they make my eyes leak. We have had such a mixed bag of weather the past few weeks, so I was able to take a great variety of photos. I think about you almost every day, checking out the birds on my walks. Mostly robins and hummingbirds around here.💕

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  5. I joined a non-blog fitness challenge in January and it motivated me to get out and walk regularly. I’ve also started doing some Pilates YouTube videos. There are plenty of days when I ask myself, “Am I done yet?” 🤣 Other days it’s easy and I choose to keep walking. Growing old gracefully is a full-time job!😎

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good for you, Ingrid, about the Fitness Challenge. Like you say, motivating. I took a Pilates class once and definitely a challenging workout. Ha, ha, your last line. I ‘get it’ and I find I have to stay consistent, yet mix it up. 🙂

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  6. What a beautiful post, Erica. When the weather is warm, we love to get outside and walk the trails at our local parks. Unlike you, when it cold, I stick with my indoor workouts. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous photos.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Jill. Now that the weather is getting nicer we will head to some of the outlying trails. Hundreds of trails nearby, although they can get quite muddy and slippery in the Winter. I hope you and your loved ones are okay. A wonderful cover for “A Dream of Family!”❤️


  7. We come into and leave our existence alone yet surrounded. In this Human Race to the end, every step should be cherished and every challenge savoured. You ask “Are we there yet?” We never know when we are there until we are THERE. I am blessed to share this journey with you every step of the way.

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    1. Thank you, Donna, for your kind, thoughtful comment. As with most of us, walks always help me clear my head. Many of the words, gems, insights I read will surface on my evening walks. I love the quiet, yet, like you say well, we definitely do not walk alone.xo ❤️ (An aside: I did sign up for Kruger National Park (like being on a Safari? Seeing animals on street view – I will complete Iceland first – 20% off – I have a bib number, yet I can have a specific start date in the future)


  8. Thank you for this Erica. I love that this challenge has become not just about physical fitness, but about sharing some pretty inspirational insights. Beautiful.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You are absolutely right, Christie, how it is turning out to be more than the physical exercise goals. I think this is partially due to my extra evening walks to keep up my kilometre goals. I know you always lead a multi-layered healthy lifestyle, Christie. I loved your recent information about brain health.💕


  9. I love how you have mingled virtual walks with the real ones Erica. Yes, we never walk alone… there is light and inspiration, there are birds and their songs, there are waves and the vibes they send…
    Thank you sharing those breathtaking pictures. Iceland has been on my wishlist.
    An inspiring post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I greatly appreciate your kind, supportive words, Balroop. I love the alone, quiet, introspective time, especially on my evening walks. Yet, I do feel the presence of all the people that have entered my life and enriched my life. Iceland seemed like the right challenge to help motivate me to increase my walks. You often include nature in your beautiful poetry and prose, Balroop. I agree how we never walk alone. ❤️

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    1. The “Kiffness” really hit a chord for me, Robbie. You have likely seen more of their videos and listened to their music. I wanted to include the Father/Son video since it made me smile. I know Susan is well loved in the writing community and it is fun to see the genuine affection in their amazing family. Sharing some of the good on our planet.❤️

      Thank you for your kind, supportive comment. I know family means a great deal to you, too, Robbie.❤️

      Liked by 2 people

    1. I wholeheartedly agree with you, Jacquie. Our planet is beautiful. I am glad you enjoyed the music. The songs stayed with me long after I heard them the first time. Poignant and beautiful and they make me cry every single time. In a good way. Thank you for sharing your lovely thoughts.❤️

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    1. Funny you should mention, Antarctica, Betsy. I read an article years ago about a marathon held in Antarctica. It was quite a complicated endeavour. Many gorgeous places on our planet. Iceland is more and better than expected for many reasons. Also the word “Iceland” is a misnomer. If you ever seriously want to go there, I can give you more information. We have travelled many places, yet I wouldn’t hesitate to return to Iceland. Thank you for sharing your supportive thoughts. 🙂

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    1. I read your comment this afternoon, Rebecca, and then I went searching for information about Snowblind by Ragnar Jonasson. I have added this book series to my reading list. Especially when we go camping and I can fully immerse myself in the stories. Thank you for this!

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      1. We were in Iceland for all of 4 hours on a stopover to Scotland. I thought we would be able to return the next year, but alas, that “ship has sailed” for the moment. I understand you live in the West Coast of British Columbia! I live in Vancouver!

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        1. Hi Rebecca, We were in Iceland camping for a month (June, 2017). A wonderful, life changing experience. We had hoped to return last year and not in the cards. I live on The Island for the past 30 years. Vancouver and the lower mainland is also a beautiful place to live. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts.

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  10. Lovely post, Erica. I walk regularly… but never alone. Sometimes with my husband, sometimes a friend, sometimes accompanied by a podcast 🙂 Thank you for all of the wonderful links. I especially liked to Susan’s blog (and her very talented family). Best of luck on your next 857.5 kilometers! I know that you will plant a few more trees along the way.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Chuck and I often walk together in the morning. My evening walk is a bonus with quiet time and getting increased kilometres. I want share Susan and many of her insights. I am glad you enjoyed listening to The Kiffness. A great reminder about podcasts, Janis. I usually only listen to them in the car. Of course, decreased driving time this past year. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. I miss you! 🙂

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  11. What an absolutely powerful and fabulous post, filled with beautiful photos, inspirational thoughts, musings and wonderful music. So much to love in here and that final Father and Son rendition capped it perfectly. Thank you Erica for such a rich post. I walk every day in nature and know that I never walk alone. None of us do. Much love to you my friend. xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I read your comment yesterday, Miriam, and my eyes began to leak. I greatly appreciate your lovely, thoughtful words. I often replay your thought-provoking and beautiful posts and words on my evening walks. Thank you for joining me on my journey.❤️

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  12. Congrats, Erica/ Erika, on the kms that you’ve walked to date. Thank you for your beautiful photos and links. I think of you and other blogger friends who are doing various virtual walk challenges from different corners of the world as I walk in my area. Have fun with your next kms!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Natalie for your kind and supportive comment. I think about some of the gems you have shared when I go on my walks……include all of the senses….You always inspire me.🙂


  13. What a lovely post, my friend. These walks fascinate me, and though “my boots were made for walking,” I’ve been spending a lot of time at the laptop. So I walk along with you, feeling inspired to go to Iceland one day. Wonderful shout outs to friendly bloggers and great music to carry everyone along.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Diana, for your kind, supportive note. This challenge has helped me increase my walking and my reward is to see where I am (my avatar) on “street view” in Iceland. I do find many of the day’s words/gems/insights surface on my evening walk. I could have highlighted every blogging friend ❤️ You inspire me with your exceptional talent and creativity writing your books. And, yes, a great deal of time on your laptop.🙂❤️

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  14. Wow, Erica/Erika, where to begin? I love the pictures and the weaving in and out that you did of real walks and virtual walks, photographs are beautiful. I appreciate the concept of those who walk with you on your journey. Sometimes we talk about the women whose shoulders we stand on. Although the UMC has been ordaining women for over 60 years, I served 2 appointments where I was the first woman pastor. Yet I was not really breaking new ground. Some of my predecessors paid dearly for the privilege of answering their call. And Kiffness, that beautiful blessing song, to listen to it before getting ready for the shower and bed on a Saturday night, when I do not always sleep well, just put a smile on my heart. I will play it again before turning out the lights. I think I need to look for their work. And the Father and Son song, put a smile on my face. I am not doing any walking challenges yet, it is so cold (i apologize for whining, you are farther north than I am) but having fallen twice now with a similar result, I am waiting for warmer temps but then I will increase my steps, with or without Sheba. .

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    1. I really appreciate your thoughtful comment, Michele. Interesting information about your predecessors and the shoulders we stand on. I heard The Kiffness almost one year ago, and this post seemed an appropriate time to share their beautiful music. It turned into a sharing – type of post of how everyone that crosses my path influences my thinking, my day, my life.❤️ I learn a great deal from you, Michele, and I appreciate your candor and real life moments and thoughts. You also make me smile with your witty take on events and people. Yes, along the lines of Erma Bombeck.❤️

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  15. That’s a lot of K’s you have done and will do. I don’t quite understand these virtual walks – does one just look at the scenery on some sort of app when they get home?
    It’s true we never walk alone even if we are alone. It’s such a good time to process our thoughts and appreciate our lives. I love the “share your essence” concept.

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    1. Hi Bernie, There are a number of free apps and different ways to log in our kilometres. This app is quite fun and motivating since it places my little avatar in a “street view” in this case, Iceland. I have a 360 view. I agree wholeheartedly with you about processing our thoughts and appreciating our lives. Sharing your essence resonated with me, too. You lead an active lifestyle, Bernie, and likely walk many kilometres each week.


  16. It’s always a good day when I see an Erica post because I know it will be uplifting and positive. Once again, you did not disappoint. I haven’t charted my walking, but there is no question I have walked more miles in the last year than any of my other 62 years. 3-4 miles, most days walking six days a week on average. It’s gotten to be such a habit that I miss it when I take a day off. Virtual or actual—keep it up, Erica!

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    1. Thank you for your kind, thoughtful comment, Pete. Your words really sat with me, when we communicated about topics that matter and make a difference. We also can have fun with it, as you discuss in your most recent post “The Best Medicine.” I read it this afternoon and I will go back and comment tomorrow. Did anyone bring to your attention how the SNL sketch video does not load (maybe only in Canada).

      You are inspirational with your walking and all of your healthy habits, Pete. 🙂

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      1. Right back at you, Erica. I believe that we’re more likely to be positive when we surround ourselves with positive people, just as the opposite can happen when we have a lot of toxicity in our lives.

        I like posting these YouTube videos, but that is one of the drawbacks.

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  17. What a lovely post, Erica. You’ve mentioned some of my blogging friends in there too. It was so nice to see. I enjoyed Susan’s son and his father singing a pandemic version of Father and Son. I’d seen the other song on Susan’s blog before. So clever, both of them. I really love the photo of the nature baths in Iceland. How glorious. It is sheer joy just looking at it. Keep walking. You’ll do it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Norah, I listened to The Kiffness for the first time about a year ago, and the ‘Blessing’ has always stayed with me. I feel readers would also enjoy the Father and Son parody. It always puts a smile on my face, especially the loving interaction. Thank you for your supportive comment, Norah. You always give me food for thought and I bookmark many of your posts and refer back to them. 🙂

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  18. Erica, your post is a celebration of the community of blogging! 😀 Your generous spirit shines through your posts, all your comments, your warmth and friendliness lighting up our lives. The Kiffness video was wonderful, beautiful harmonies aqnd I love the sound of the language. As for the Cat Stevens parody, I’m laughing until I’m crying – just brilliant!

    Congratulations on all your miles walked and I am impressed! Thank you so much for including my post and your kind words about it. I have just completed Hadrian’s Wall and looking for a new challenge, most likely The Ring of Kerry. I drove it whilst on business in Ireland and a most stunning and mystical landscape – look forward to the virtual walk!

    Thank you for introducing me to so many other bloggers, sharing the songs, their words – I’ve visited a few and feel my life enriched as a result.

    Happy Walking, my friend. Enjoy your extraordinary views, simply breathtaking and have a fun time completing the Iceland walk. hugs xx ❤️

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    1. Thank you, Annika, for your kind, supportive and thoughtful comment.❤️ Your post “Duality of walks” stayed with me. I am very moved by the song you shared ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ and it runs through my mind almost every day. I believe you and I discussed how we live many time zones from each other, yet I do feel we walk together on these virtual walks. 🙂

      I am happy you enjoyed The Kiffness videos. They always make me smile, especially the loving interactions. Congratulations on completing Hadrian’s Wall! I checked out The Ring of Kerry and the setting is beautiful. After Iceland, I will be walking Kruger National Park. Supposedly I will see animals in my “street views.” Thank you for joining me on this journey.xx ❤️

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  19. I have huge respect for you tackling such a big challenge out of the gate. I needed the motivational boost of a smaller challenge first – at 91% of the Cabot Trail, I’m finally starting to see the proverbial finish line.

    Lovely photos. Lovely words ❤️

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    1. Hi Joanne, Thank you for your supportive comment. You know how motivating it is to be accountable and yet have fun following a specific route. I signed up yesterday for Kruger National Park (release day), although, I will not begin the walk until I am finished Iceland. It was 20% off and I have a low bib number 0092.🙂 Supposedly we can see animals on our street view, similar to a Safari.

      Congratulations on almost finished the Cabot Trail! Keep me posted on your journeys. I miss you!❤️


      1. I have deliberately not signed up for any new challenges … although it’s been tough to resist. I just feel my hands are full with the 1,310 km challenge I gave myself at the beginning of the year.

        I’ve now completed the Cabot Trail and logged my first distances today on the Camino. It does keep me focused on getting out on days when I’d rather stay curled up at home. Thanks so much for introducing me to these challenges.

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        1. Joanne, If I recall correctly you initially signed up for three challenges. 1300 plus kilometres is a significant challenge. I just looked up the Camino de Santiago – wow, 772km. I couldn’t resist Kruger because I was able to book it within seconds of the initial release of the challenge, so I could get a low bib number. Still 00092. I have to remember to stay in the moment. I am about halfway Iceland. I have a friend from work that just signed up for 3 challenges. Helping keep each other motivated. Our most recent ‘restrictions’ is we are encouraged to meet friends outside for walks. I am not sure where your guidelines are. I realize you had some physical challenges. I hope you are still able to meet up with Misha. Your photos always make me smile. 🙂Congratulations on the Cabot Trail! Keep me posted. 💕


  20. Great post! I love how you combine so many different thoughts into one cohesive entry. Plus, I’m a big Pat Benatar fan, so it was nice to be reminded of a song that wasn’t a big hit like some of her others…but is still really good!

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    1. Thank you, Mark, for your supportive and encouraging words. Every single person I encounter throughout my day makes a difference in my life. It was a way to share some of the words, the music and the essence of blogging friends. I always appreciate your candid posts and how you share many of the things and people that truly matter in your life.🙂 The Pat Benatar song, especially the lyrics really hit me. My eyes leak even now when I reread the words.


  21. Am I dreaming? I don’t want to wake up! Erica, firstly, congratulations on your virtual walking in such beautiful places, posting postcards, planting trees, over a third of the way accomplished. The photos are beautiful, the rainbows exquisite … Mother Nature is truly magnificent. How can we not believe in a supreme intelligence …

    I got a shock – pleasant 🙂 – when I saw my name – Dr James Hollis’ words are so worthwhile. We were talking about aging yesterday at my pottery class (don’t usually go on a Saturday but since I’m going to be away later on this month I’m getting in my missed classes early). What a lovely bunch of women … we were 4 our teacher made it 5. They were so warm and friendly, so encouraging and spoke quite freely about aging. Next time I see them I will remind them of this (para)phrase by Hollis.

    Pete Springer’s excerpted words were lovely too … we need a reminder that we were once a baby, or someone’s daughter, or son, or grandchild, or niece, nephew, godparent … they form part of the essence of who we are?

    Sir Captain Tom Moore, may his memory always be a blessing. What a hero …

    And then TheKiffness!

    I’ve been slack on walking lately … a pity because a friend is flying here on Friday for several days and is a very fit and keen walker and I have so much to show her! I’ll have to get well into gear in these next few days. Some serious hikes and walks are planned.

    How lovely that spring is on your doorstep – such a special time of year when the buds come out to play and the trees show their greening .. and the geese and birds go where they go and sing songs to each other … 🙂

    Thank you so much for this lovely post Erica. I will check out the links you so kindly provide – I wish I knew how to do that. We’ll be going up to Johannesburg later this month and will be spending some days and nights at a game farm pretty close to the Kruger National Park. I KNOW I’ll have photos to include in a blog post!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Susan, The quote from Dr James Hollis is inspirational and stays with me. Thank you for sharing this gem and many other insights and good news you share.🙂 Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Virtual Iceland is helping me stay motivated. Interesting and wonderful how you are staying close to Kruger National Park. I signed up for the Kruger virtual walk and seeing the sites and animals on “street view”….pales significantly in comparison to Real Life. Finishing Iceland first.

      I love listening to the Kiffness and especially the loving interactions.❤️ I know many people feel the same way. Sharing the good on our planet.

      I look forward to continuing the connection and sharing.

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    1. Thank you, Antoinette for your kind comment. My theme seemed to go in the direction of ‘We never walk alone.’ Everyone makes a difference in our day and in our life.🙂


  22. Great videos, Erica. Thanks for sharing them. I love the “Father & Son” one so much. And a great picture of your husband too. I have a shot of my dad when he was in Trafalgar Square in London that’s very similar. Only a family member or close friend would ever recognize him, which I’m thinking is the same for the one you chose too. – Marty

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Marty, I specifically thought about you when I added the ‘Father & Son’ video. I figured ‘Marty will like this.’ 🙂The entire family is talented and creative and I love watching their interaction.

      Not many people, friends and family would recognize my husband now with his “flowing locks” (my brother’s quote.) Zero haircut since over a year ago. We took advantage of a no rain/sleet/snow/wind day and enjoyed a walk by the ocean. I hope you and Gorgeous are well.

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  23. One thing I love about your posts Erica (and yes, there is always more than 1 thing) is the lovely mix of heartfelt prose, poems or other references. I feel as though I’m walking the length of Britain in isolation so really should be concentrating more on the community – after all, that’s what it’s there for.

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    1. Wow, thank you, Jo, especially coming from you.❤️ I have been on this kick how I do not walk alone. As you well know, many thoughts and feelings surface on our walks and our alone time. I very rarely communicate with the Conqueror community, since I want to make time for my IRL friends. You are inspirational how you consistently fit in your walks with your schedule.🙂

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  24. I echo the comments of others. I finally have found a way to comment from my phone my logging into WordPress. Yeah me. Yeah walking. I call it walking contemplation. I look forward to doing it with less gear as it warms up.

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    1. Hi Ann, Always something new to learn on our phones and gadgets. I greatly appreciate when you share gems. I love your word “contemplation!” And, yes, Spring/warming up is helping with the motivation to get outside. Good for you and your hikes!


  25. When I read your posts, and Natalie’s, Sue’s, Leanne’s, those by Donna and Christie, I feel so shallow. So like a kindergartener trying to run with the college grads!! Your words and images and travels are lovely. And your walk is inspirational. I am doing a very simple walking challenge called StepBet but mine does pay me to walk!! Ha! However, I am not in the company of such intelligent, deep thinking fellow walkers. Thank you for sharing your adventures.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Leslie, Your posts are always beautiful, colourful, creative and inspirational. Your deep love of family is always evident. The word “essence” resonated recently with me and I love how you share your essence. I briefly read about the StepBet and it sounds like a fun way to stay motivated. I greatly appreciate you reading and sharing your thoughts.💕


  26. Wonderful post and pictures, Erica! Love your neighbourhood pose. I haven’t been outdoors as much as usual this winter, but that is sure to change with the coming of spring. Our grand-cats have been chasing their tails round and round, waiting for the day we’ll let them out too. I’ve been walking a mile or more a day inside and ‘attend’ my yoga/strength classes on line once or twice a week. Thanks so much for inspiring us with this lovely share! 💞

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your kind, supportive words, Bette. You stay healthy and fit by having consistent habits throughout the winter. It is easier for me to get outside on our West Coast. You always have this huge smile and share the good and the positive. It all makes a difference and possibly even more in the Winter months. It is easier for people to feel blue when they cannot get outside and the days are shorter. Yeah for Spring right around the corner! Thank you for sharing your lovely thoughts.💕

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    1. Thank you for your kind and thoughtful comment, Liz. This post turned into a sharing of the blogging community and how every single person makes a difference in my day. You likely find how thoughts and feelings surface during our walks. I heard “The Kiffness” for the first time last year and they always put a smile on my face…….the Irish Blessing, a tear….. I am happy you enjoyed the videos.💕

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your kind, supportive comment, Kate. I find every single person who crosses my path affects my day and my life. I am glad you enjoyed the songs. 🙂They made me smile and tear up.

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  27. And here and now you inspire all who are reading and savoring your blog post and its stunning photos, Erica! It is lovely to be walking, virtually, with you. You are almost halfway by the time you read this, as I am delayed with my blog reading and commenting, as always. Keep hiking and, on the next cold and rainy day, think about the virtual sunshine and hugs I am sending you from down south. 🙂

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    1. Hi Liesbet, I just finished glancing at Instagram and your gorgeous photos! Peaceful and pretty. I greatly appreciate your kind, supportive words. My theme gravitated to how every single person who crosses my path every day, makes a difference in my life. Your stories and posts often share this, too, Liesbet. We have the beginning of a gorgeous Spring around here. Many walks planned alone and with friends. The “restrictions” encourage us to meet friends outside now. Great for our physical and mental health. Thank you for sharing your thoughtful comment, since I realize the internet is scarce and unpredictable for you. Safe travels.🙂

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  28. Hi Erica – this is wonderful … so well put together … and how wonderful to hear the word ‘vrot’ from The Kiffness – Susan’s son and husband … life in different countries gives us all challenges – it just isn’t easy.
    Yes – I gather there hasn’t been much snow on Vancouver Island this year … while those views of Iceland look wonderful …
    Lovely comment for us all to share in … brilliant post – thank you!!xo
    Thanks – I loved this and will hold the post in my memory bank for the days ahead … delightful – all the best and enjoy the VI Spring. Hilary

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Hilary, I just now visited your “About me” and I see about the South Africa reference. You are the first person to mention the word “vrot” and get it. I love learning something new.🙂

      I knew you lived on Vancouver Island at one time, although I did not realize it was only for one year.

      I greatly appreciate your exceptionally kind and supportive words. As I was drafting an idea for a post, I realized how much my daily interactions, the people who cross my path, affect my mood and my thinking. Hilary, your posts are always filled with positive and inspirational gems. Thank you for making a difference.xx


  29. What an amazing post, Erika. It has everything, and will take me hours to fully enjoy it all. I have fallen behind on my fitness goal since the weather is cold and snowy. But it inspires me to see you out there in all that snow. I am a wimp! But I get about two or three good walks in a week.

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    1. Thank you, Marsha. As I was drafting my thoughts, I realized my theme was how every single person who crosses my path significantly affects my day and my life. ❤️You are right, how weather does make a difference for getting outdoors on walks. Two or three good walks is great, Marsha! Consistent. You have a great deal going on in your life.💕


  30. My husband and I were supposed to go to Iceland in the summer of 2020, tour the Ring Road, and run a half marathon. Of course, that didn’t happen. Maybe next year! You have such an ambitious goal. Good for you!!! I love how you recorded your thoughts along your journey. Yvette’s phrase would make a good walking mantra.

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    1. I recall you mentioning about your Iceland trip and the half marathon. I wonder if the run was near Myvatn, where the nature bath photos are taken in this post. We ‘ran’ into people preparing for a run. This was in June. You know first hand, Laurie, how thoughts surface during our runs/walks. I hope you and your husband get the opportunity to go to Iceland and participate in the run in the near future.🙂


  31. I love the rainbow picture on the waterfall! And your progress on your challenge is impressive. I think I am ready to start running again–my training has been spotty during the pandemic, and not being able to run in actual races has been discouraging. But eventually things will change, and I need to be ready! 😉

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    1. Nice to meet you, Bethany. Thank you for visiting here. I left a message on your blog.

      Thank you for your kind, thoughtful comment. I am aware you have had health challenges recently, and likely a good idea to ease into a fitness program. It sounds like you are getting better. Like you say, eventually things will change again. 🙂

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      1. Nice to meet you too, Erica! I found my way here from Leanne’s blog, Cresting the Hill. I have been very careful about not overdoing it, because I know that can have some serious repercussions. But I’m inching my way toward that 5K when it finally happens! 🙂

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  32. Such a comforting post. My elderly Mom was telling us via video chat yesterday that there are things she will miss after the pandemic. How so much caring and love has been poured out to her this past year. That although she is alone she never felt as though she was walking the journey alone.
    Loved the photos of Iceland. Long on our list and hopefully we will get there one day soon.

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    1. Sue, I wholeheartedly agree with you about the caring and love shown this past year (and always). You make a great point how people who live alone would find this past year extra challenging. A good reminder to check in on people. Thank you for your supportive words. We may go to Iceland again, when it is safer and more feasible to travel.

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  33. Hi Erica, you are so, so creative and a treasured friend. I enjoyed your photos of Iceland especially the rainbow. There is something so hopeful about rainbows, don’t you think? I started a challenge but they are definitely more difficult to complete than I thought. I’m enjoying your journey though and your inspiration as you keep going, even though you feel at times ‘are we there yet’. I’m also intrigued by Share your Essence and pondering that more. A walk alone is something I enjoy because it is my time to think and reflect. Have a beautiful week my friend. xx

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    1. We saw many rainbows in Iceland, Sue, and a few waterfalls each day. I still have to give myself a little kick in the b…. to get the extra kilometres in each day.🙂 Yet, I am always thankful I moved my body. My body is also craving more yoga again…the stretching and the breathing. The “share your essence” is a feel good saying and I will explore this more. Thank you for sharing your essence, always, Sue.xx❤️

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  34. Many wise words contemplated on these walks, Erica. 🙂 Such a beautiful reminder about being somebody’s baby. We are moving into new phases with our young adults and my heart is pierced by these loves that I carried on my hip and taught to read. They will always be my baby. I have committed to my own personal fitness challenge, but not in a truly organized way.
    I am always seeking out wise words and scribbling them down in notebooks and calendars. The two most recent are: “You were created with inherent worthiness, a spark of the Divin that is manifested only through your existence.”-Colette Baron Reid and from Melinda Gates’ book The Moment of Lift and attributed to a friend, Killian: “To be known without being loved is terrifying. To be loved without being known has no power to change us. But to be deeply known and deeply loved transforms us.”
    I’m so glad that you are enjoying your walks and that you do not walk alone! xx

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    1. I had a few beautiful reminders enter my life all within a week. The lyrics to this song stayed with me. I know I will receive wise words when I read your blog, Amy. They also seem to come at the right time. A great quote about what transforms us. Thank you for being you, Amy xx 💕

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  35. Fabulous post Erica and I love your mix of words, thoughts and music. The walk around Iceland is a great challenge and I’m currently cycling around Iceland bit by bit on one of my virtual challenges. I just love the rainbow over the falls and it brings back such happy memories of our trip a few years ago, I’m so glad we took the opportunity to dit when we did, given all that’s happened since. You do not walk alone, that’s for sure, I for one am with you every step of the way 🙂

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    1. Thank you, Deb, The theme that surfaced is how every single person who crosses my path each day, stays with me. Iceland is fascinating lately with the increased earthquakes and volcanic eruption. As long as everyone is safe. I feel your steps beside me, Deb.xx

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  36. Erica, it is hard to read this beautiful post about your endurance challenge in Iceland because I just read about the volcanic eruption in Iceland. Since I have no understanding of Iceland and its geography, I am wondering if you are impacted by this catastrophy. I visualize clouds of volcanic dust, darkened skies, not exactly what one would want for a walkabout, and let alone for arduous conqueror exploit. Hope therefore that you are well and that the volcanic eruption has not caused loss of life.


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    1. Hi Ben, My Iceland challenge is a virtual challenge where I walk in my community, Vancouver Island. My avatar is doing the same distance on Ring Road, Iceland and I can see where I am each day on Google Earth. We were in Iceland for one month in 2017 so I have actual photos of the area.

      My husband and I are closely watching the coverage of the recent increase in earthquakes and the volcano erupting in Iceland. I have not heard about loss of life, although people are standing very close to the lava flows. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. I hope you and Peta are well.


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